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Want a healthy baby? Want your friends to have one? Then know the numbers associated with congenital (present at birth) Cytomegalovirus (CMV), #1 viral cause of birth defects, so you can reduce your chances of contracting it. Birth defects from congenital CMV include microcephaly, hearing loss, mental impairment, blindness, cerebral palsy, and epilepsy.
Child care workers and mothers of toddlers in daycare are at increased risk for contracting CMV.
CMV by the Numbers:
- 1 out of 100 babies are born with congenital CMV.
- 1 out of 5 babies born with congenital CMV are permanently disabled.
- 1 baby every hour is disabled by congenital CMV.
- 8- 20% of female child care providers contract CMV infection every year.
- 1,260,600 childcare workers in the U.S.
- 44% to 100% of two-years in group daycare shed CMV
- #1 Birth Defects Virus--Congenital CMV causes more disabilities than Down Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Spina Bifida, and Pediatric HIV/AIDS
- 9% of women have heard of CMV.
The American Academy of Pediatrics, co-authored
Standard Staff Education and Policies on
Cytomegalovirus (CMV), which states childcare
workers of childbearing age should be informed about their increased
probability of exposure to CMV and:
· Hygiene measures (especially handwashing and
avoiding contact with urine, saliva, and nasal secretions) aimed at reducing
acquisition of CMV;
· The availability of counseling and testing for
serum antibody to CMV to determine the caregiver/teacher’s immune
Additional numbers:
- 10-25 % of babies born with asymptomatic congenital CMV will develop sensorineural hearing loss by age 18.
Congenital CMV Disease Research, Clinic & Registry
National CMV Foundation
American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. (n.d.). Standard Staff Education and Policies on Cytomegalovirus (CMV). Retrieved from National Health and Safety Performance Standards: Guidelines for Early Care and Education Programs: Caring for Our Children: http://cfoc.nrckids.org/StandardView/
American Academy of Pediatrics . (2012, 2015). Children in Out-of-Home Care. In B. C. Pickering LK, Red Book: Infectious Diseases American Academy of Pediatrics (pp. 145 (2012); Elk Grove Village, IL. Retrieved December 30, 2016, from https://redbook.solutions.aap.org/DocumentLibrary/RB12_interior.pdf
Carlson, A. M., Norwitz, E. R., & Stiller, R. J.
(Fall 2010). Cytomegalovirus Infection in Pregnancy: Should All Women Be
Screened? Reviews in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Retrieved from National
Center for Biotechnology Information:
Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Retrieved from Congenital CMV
Infection Trends and Statistics: http://www.cdc.gov/cmv/trends-stats.html
Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC). (n.d.). Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Congenital
CMV Infection. Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC): http://www.cdc.gov/cmv/index.html
Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC). (n.d.). Infant Health. Retrieved from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
Doutre, S. M. Barrett,
T. S. Greenlee, J. & White, K. R. . (2016). Losing Ground: Awareness of
Congenital Cytomegalovirus in the United States. Journal of Early Hearing
Detection and Intervention, 1(2), 9-48. Retrieved from
Joseph, MSc, Serene A,
et al. (2006, Sept). Cytomegalovirus as an occupational risk in daycare
educators. Retrieved from PMC:
Harrison, Gail Demmler MD. (2016, December 2). Cytomegalovirus:
The Virus All Pregnant Women Should Know About Now. Retrieved from
Medscape.com: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/872452
Lanzieri,Tatiana M., Chung, Winnie, Flores,Marily,
Blum, Peggy, Caviness, A. Chantal, Bialek, Stephanie R., Grosse,Scott D., Miller,
Jerry A., Demmler-Harrison, Gail. (2017, February ). Congenital Cytomegalovirus
Longitudinal Study Group. Pediatrics. Retrieved from
Pass, Robert F. M.D.;
Hutto, Cecelia M.D.; Ricks, Rebecca M.S.N., R.N.; and Cloud, Gretchen A. M.S.
(1986, May 29). Increased Rate of Cytomegalovirus Infection among Parents of
Children Attending Day-Care Centers. New England Journal of Medicine.
Retrieved 2017, from New England Journal of Medicine:
Saunders, L. (2013). Surviving Loss: The Woodcutter's Tale. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. Retrieved from https://www.amazon.com/Surviving-Loss-Woodcutters-Lisa-Saunders/dp/1482315505/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
Saunders, L. (2013). Surviving Loss: The Woodcutter's Tale. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. Retrieved from https://www.amazon.com/Surviving-Loss-Woodcutters-Lisa-Saunders/dp/1482315505/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
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